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Library for parents

Links, Info, Activities and other useful information.

What is Child Development?

Our practice is called Child Development, due to our teams’ dedication to supporting your child develop the skills they need to reach their potential and achieve their dreams...

Dyspraxia and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

Dyspraxia and Developmental coordination (DCD) are neurological disorders which impact up to 10% of the population. A child with dyspraxia or DCD has difficulty planning and completing smooth and coordinated gross(big) and fine (small) motor movements...

Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills involve the whole body, including the large stabilizing muscles of the core and back as well as the arms are legs. Gross motor skills are essential for a child’s ability to walk, run, jump, swim, play on the playground and sit upright at school and the dinner table...

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the hands and are essential for a child’s play, drawing, cutting, writing, cutlery use and managing buttons and shoelaces...


Eating is the only activity children do which involves all 8 senses. Which makes mealtimes a particularly challenging task for children. Eating involves several major steps before food even reaches the mouth...

Sensory Processing

Sensory Processing – or Sensory Integration as it is also known – is the effective registration (and accurate interpretation) of sensory input in the environment (including one’s body)...

Executive Functions

In order to learn, children need to be able to plan, organize and complete tasks. They also have to control their impulses and feelings. This set of mental skills are called executive functions, and include paying attention, organizing and planning, starting tasks and staying focused on them, managing emotions, and keeping track of what you are doing...

Working memory: Your Brain’s Post-It Note

Working memory allows us to remember and process information. We use those little yellow slips of paper not only to jot down important information, but also to do something with it, like when we use them to write down and cross out a to-do list. In the same way, working memory allows us to make mental scribbles of multiple pieces of information we need to remember and think about...

Emotional Self-Regulation

Basic temperaments children have at birth influence how they behave and may change as kids mature. As they grow up, most children learn how to manage their emotions...

Paying Attention

Children need to pay attention in order to learn. They must be able to focus on what teachers, parents, and other people are saying. Attention is like a funnel that lets kids select and take in useful information...

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how kids process certain types of information...

The "About Me" App

The digital app that teaches you to be the boss of your own planning and emotions!

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