"The best education does not happen at a desk, but rather engaged in everyday living - hands on, exploring, in active relationship with life"
I write! WRITE!! W-R-I-T-E!!! Group
The aim of this group is to improve the handwriting and fine motor skills. Handwriting is an important part of the educational process and an essential skill needed throughout life. If your child has difficulties writing neatly with accurate letter formation or has poor legibility, our handwriting group is the group to enhance these fundamental skills. The Handwriting Without Tears program and/or the Loops & Groups program (depending on the school curriculum)
are offered.
Multi-sensory approaches are used for the development of the fine motor skills required for handwriting. Interventions are adjusted to the current developmental level of the child.
‘I write! WRITE!! W-R-I-T-E!!!’ group is facilitated by English speaking, Occupational Therapists. This weekly, 8 week program allows children to practise on their handwriting.
Outcomes of the group:
Improved writing skills
Better pengrip
Improved fine motor skills
More body awareness when writing
For cost and booking, please contact us.
(Therapeutic group cost may be claimable through health insurance)