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Image by MI PHAM
sensory magic

"The best education does not happen at a desk, but rather engaged in everyday living - hands on, exploring, in active relationship with life"

Sensory Magic Group

Children learn about their bodies, emotions and the world through their senses. The ‘Sensory Magic’ group enables children to creatively explore all 7 of their sensory systems (sight, smell, sound, taste, touch, vestibular and proprioception) through play and fun. Group sessions are facilitated by English speaking Occupational Therapists and
tailored for your child’s sensory needs (hyper/ under sensitive).



  • To have positive experiences with sensory input

  • Reduced anxiety for hypersensitivity

  • Strategies to help children meet their sensory needs

  • Improve self-confidence

  • Increase self-regulation


For cost and booking, please contact us.

(Therapeutic group cost may be claimable through health insurance)

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